CCIE Collaboration ?

CCIE Voice が CCIE Collaboration に変更になるアナウンスがありまして、ラボについては来年2月にはCCIE Voice は終了するそうです。最近のビデオ端末のCUCMへの統合とか、Mobile 端末からWebExの利用など考えると当然なのかとは思いますが、LABの勉強はどうすれば?うーん、どちらを狙おうか考え中。CiscoのWeb ページを見る限りでは、筆記テストはCCIE Voice / CCIE Collaboration のどちらでもよさそうです。


Cisco annnounces new CCIE collaboration and retireing CCIE Voice yesterday. It seeems that it's okay to use CCIE Voice written exam for CCIE collaboration...I understand that current trend that CUCM has been integrated video terminals, but don't know how to study Lab...I need to reconsider which certification I'd like to take Lab if I'm ready before Feb. Please see above link for more detials. you can use both written exam both Lab, but certification is different based on the combination you took.

By the way, this blog would be better to have table feature so that I can write down matrix on the web.